Ima jedno mjesto…

Ima to jedno mjesto gdje se osjećam slobodno, zaštićeno, podržano, dobro došlo, sigurno...

Ima to jedno mjesto u kojem shvatim da sam „manja od makovog zrna“, a učini da se osjećam kao Univerzum.

*english below

Ima to jedno mjesto gdje priroda govori, biljke pjevaju, čajevi mirišu, gdje raste kristal i izvire bistra pitka voda. Tu ima jedno drvo, tačnije bor, Kraljica planine. Vitka i šarmantna, stasita i borbena, nježna, snažna i hrabra... baš poput prave žene, majke, zove te u zagrljaj, diše s tobom, grije te, daje ti lijek i obasipa „zlatnim“ prahom sve što može da dotakne.  Munika se zove... kako nježno ime za takvu „gromadu“. Odlučila ona eto „tek tako“, da baš tu sjeme svoje prospe i grane proširi. Kažu da ima rođaku u Španiji, a njene potomke možete pronaći samo tu, baš na tom jednom mjestu, samo tu i nigdje drugo na Kugli Zemaljskoj. Eto, zna valjda Kraljica gdje joj je najljepše.

Ima to jedno mjesto gdje žive životinje, gdje vas pas čuva, mačka miluje, ptice bude, ovce pozivaju, a krave opominju. Sve to ima, živi, raste i priča, a ništa se ne čuje.

Ima to jedno mjesto koje svjedoči Stvoritelja i nosi tajnu čuvanu vjekovima.

Eto takvo mjesto mi imamo u Bosni i Hercegovini, našoj Ljepotici.


Koliko god puta otišla tamo, koliko god pričala o njemu, nikada mu se neću moći dovoljno zahvaliti.

Rujište mu ime, eto nek se zna.


There is one place…

There is one place where I feel free, protected, supported, welcome, safe ...

There is one place where I realize that I am "smaller than a poppy seed" but it makes me feel like I am the Universe.

There is one place where nature speaks, plants sing, teas smell, where crystal grows and clear drinking water springs. There is one tree there, more precisely a pine tree, the Queen of the Mountain. Slim and charming, stocky and combative, gentle, strong and brave ... just like a real Woman, Mother, she calls you in her arms, breathes with you, warms you, gives you medicine and sprinkles with "golden" powder everything she can touch. Munika is called ... as a gentle name for such a "mass". She decided "just like that" to expand her seed and branches right there. They say that she has a cousin in Spain, and you can find her descendants only here, in that one place, only here and nowhere else on the globe. Well, I guess the Queen knows where it is most beautiful.

There is one place where animals live, where a dog guards you, a cat caresses you, birds wake you up, sheep invite you, and cows warn you. There is everything, living, growing and talking, and nothing is heard.

It has one place that bears witness to the Creator and carries a secret kept for centuries.

This is the place we have in Bosnia and Herzegovina, our Beauty.


No matter how many times I went there, no matter how much I talked about it, I would never be able to thank that enough.

Rujište it's called, let it be known.


Mladost – Ludost kažu…


Međunarodni dan borbe protiv raka.